Juan Yarur: «We have a responsibility to generate even more content, to create legacy, and to spread it widely»
In an interview with Arte Informado, Juan Yarur, Founder and President of the Fundación AMA, addresses the crisis that currently the planet is experiencing from the perspective of collecting and culture; today, Yarur says, «we have a responsibility to generate even more content, to create legacy, and to spread it widely.»
Here we leave the interview through the media to Juan Yarur:
ARTEINFORMADO (AI): In these uncertain times, what message of encouragement and confidence would you like to convey to all operators and actors in the art world?
Juan Yarur (JY): I think it is important to remember that throughout the history of humanity, we have been able to observe that as a result of the great changes and challenges, it is from where the great ideas, the great avant-gardes and also the new discourses that accompany and enhance the new eras.
Art has always had a fundamental role in the resilience of the human being: it allows us to observe and approach the world from another perspective and at the same time connect with emotions and from that place, it helps us understand these new realities in a better way.
It is time to open your mind and creativity to adapt all to the changes that are happening and those that will come.
AI: How do you think the art system, in general, and collecting and patronage will change, in particular, from now on, regarding exhibition channels, commercialization of works, patronage and sponsorship of projects, relations with the other operators and communication strategy? Is it time to reinvention?
JY: I think the circuits, dynamics and roles in the art world will change, of course. Considering that with this new situation, social networks, digital platforms, virtual meetings, etc. are being the basis of our communication, there is more information available every day and more opportunities to access it. And it is because of this open provision of information and knowledge that I think the art world is going to change. But not in the sense of becoming something new, if not rather I think it will begin to work from a more honest, more open place. In this new virtuality, where everything is online, loaded, there will be more and more spaces, information and realities that they will discover and get involved in.
AI: Do you think that they should undertake a new online phase to make their collection more visible and better, as well as the projects promoted and related to it? If so, what measures are you considering implementing for the future in your new digital strategy that you have not been executing?
JY: Tomando también las respuestas anteriores, claramente toca renovarse e implementar nuevas estrategias que no habíamos considerado anteriormente. De todas formas más que cambiar las estrategias comunicacionales o de difusión, pienso que debemos reforzarlas, potenciarlas y utilizarlas para promover el arte y la cultura aún más intensamente. Hoy tenemos, creo, la responsabilidad de generar aún más contenido, de crear legado y difundirlo ampliamente.
Afortunadamente nosotros actualmente en Fundación AMA ya estamos trabajando en el desarrollo de catastro y archivos digitales en conjunto con MFAH (Museum of Fine Arts Houston) y el ICAA (International Center for the Arts of the Americas). En la misma línea estamos desarrollando una extensa investigación sobre Francisco Copello, que esperamos poder compartir con el mundo prontamente.
Como decía en la pregunta anterior, creo que debemos abrir cada vez más espacios de conocimiento, de información y compartirlos.
Fuente: Arteinformado