AMA es una fundación sin fines de lucro dedicada al arte contemporáneo. Desde su inicio en 2008, nuestra misión ha sido apoyar la producción, difusión e investigación en torno a las artes visuales.
Santiago, Chile
In 2019 Juan Yarur Torres was recognized by ArtNews as one of the top collectors in the world. This 2020, Larry´s List, the leading platform in knowledge of the art market, focused its attention again on the President and Founder of Fundación AMA to do an interview that addresses aspects of his collection, its relationship with art and the activities carried out through the AMA.
The conversation addresses various dimensions of Juan Yarur’s work as a collector and philanthropist, a perspective that has been highlighted with recognitions such as ArtNews 50under50, the Montblanc Prize, or his participation in the board of museums such as MoMA or Tate. In this way, the medium highlights its vocation for Latin American art, especially Chilean, which through Fundación AMA has managed to lead such prominent spaces as MoMA, Tate, Guggenheim, The Met, among others, or more recently to the Biennial of Berlin, our next project.
In this way, Juan Yarur joins today a long list of important collectors, who, through The Talks section, address the different dimensions of their work as collectors; thus, characters such as Kevin Poon, Robert Suss, Susi Kenna or Alan Lo have opened their collections and perspectives in this section to let us know their ideas and preferences when putting together their respective collections.
Thus, in the interview Juan Yarur explains why he is especially attracted to the «lost jewels» of Chilean and Latin American art, he talks about his most precious works of art, his vision of the AMA Foundation in the coming years, as well as three Chileans. emerging to consider.