Enrique Ramírez is nominated for the Prix Marcel Duchamp
On October 7, the group exhibition that presents the work of the 4 nominees for the Marcel Duchamp Prize was inaugurated at the Pompidou Center, an event that celebrates the most outstanding of the French youth scene.
Chilean artist Enrique Ramírez, who currently resides in France, is one of the nominees for one of the most important awards in the art world.
Furthermore, 2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the Prix Marcel Duchamp. 20 years, 20 editions, more than 80 nominated artists, around fifty exhibitions organized by ADIAF around the world. For them, the Center Pompidou will offer a selection of works by the winners within a tour dedicated to the National Museum of Modern Art, level 4 starting October 21, 2020.
Thus, Ramírez’s work addresses the themes of travel, immigration and history in motion through the construction of memory. To do this, it favors installation devices, such as video and photography.
In his work project entitled Incertain presented during this exhibition, the exploration of landscapes that extend as far as the eye can see are anchored in a quick geopoetics to the imagination and fantasy of each one. The contemplation that his work allows commits the viewer to adopt a true subjective point of view, definitely committed to the world and capable of freeing himself from material and temporal obstacles to question the universality of history and its unsuspected depths yet to be discovered.
In FAMA we wanted to know a little more about the award and the feelings that this nomination leaves behind, so we leave you a short interview with Enrique Ramírez:
FAMA: How was the journey to be nominated for the Marcel Duchamp Award?
Enríque Ramírez: The award is a lifetime achievement award, the journey taken is basically constant work, about 3 years ago the ADIAF visited my workshop and they saw my work, but that was it, from there I never knew if they were really interested in proposing me for the award.
F: To what extent do you think the relationship with the foundation helped your career as an artist?
ER: It helps me because the foundation has allowed me to make exhibitions in other parts of the world in addition to those I have done in France.
F: How do you see the Chilean art scene in relation to the French one?
ER: We are very different, but it is not only the world of art, it is vaguely the social contact where the artist works, it has good and bad sides.