AMA es una fundación sin fines de lucro dedicada al arte contemporáneo. Desde su inicio en 2008, nuestra misión ha sido apoyar la producción, difusión e investigación en torno a las artes visuales.


Santiago, Chile

Paz Errázuriz Körner
(Santiago, Chile, 1944)

In 1966 she studied Education at the Cambridge Institute of Education in England and in 1972 she graduated with a Bachelor of Basic Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. In those years he began to  selfeducate in photography, specializing in children’s images and working for publications on education.

In 1980 she made his first individual exhibition at the Chilean-North American Institute of Culture. During that decade she became interested in journalistic photography, collaborating with different media and institutions such as Apsi magazine and the Vicaría de la Solidaridad. She was also one of the founders of the Asociación de Fotógrafos Independientes (AFI), a group that during the dictatorship sought to spread the work and defend the lives of those photographers who, without institutional support, portrayed urban life and denounced the repression of the military government. .

Paz Errázuriz’s photographs are usually organized in thematic series and with them she has shown, over the years, the realities of various marginal subjects, who have been left out of the normality imposed by modern society. Taking portrait, both individual and collective, as her favorite genre, the artist captures images that are realistic and at the same time are loaded with poetry. Among his best-known series are: The combat against the angel (1987) dedicated to the boxing world, The Adam’s apple (1990) whose theme is the living conditions of Chilean transvestites and transformists, The heart attack of the soul (1992-1994 ) composed of images of couples formed in the Putaendo and The Nomads of the Sea (1991-1995) psychiatric hospital dedicated to the last living representatives of the Kawésqar ethnic group.